Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 177

to consult with the Governor and report all such cases, duly attested to Dunbar., Regular plans to be kept carefully in a special book. Plan and survey of lands to be made to each grantee; and a detailed copy to be made in the book aforesaid. To be under the Governor's orders, who will furnish a guard &c. Care to be used. He is to communicate frequently with Dunbar.

Boston, Ap. 22 1730

Dunbar to Mitchell. [27

M. to show commission as deputy to the Governor of Nova Scotia.

Frederick's Fort, Sept, 12, 1732.

Dunbar's Commission to Mitchell. [28

Has appointed M. Deputy-Surveyor, to take care of the woods of Nova Scotia in the interests of the Royal Navy. Does hereby constitute him Deputy-Surveyor, with all rights and privileges appertaining thereto.

Frederick's Fort, Sept. 12, 1732.

John Hamilton to be Naval Officer at Annapolis.

March 20, 1733/4       Appointed by Armstrong

Otis Little to be Justice of the Peace. [29

"for any part or place within His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia".

Annapolis, Nov. 22, 1736.       Appointed by Armstrong

Proclamation to the Inhabitants of N.S. [30

Preamble: "Whereas hitherto it hath been Customary with the Inhabitants of this his Majesty's Said Province upon their Private Disputes and Little Differences Immediately or at such Limes as they thought proper to apply to the Governor and Council by Petition for Redress and have either through


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