Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  156  Nova Scotia Archives.
Sept. 11.

Mascarene to Alex. Bourg. [248

Received B.'s letter by Bodar. Sends summons for Etienne Rivet and Réné Landry directed to the Deputies of Piziquid, If the orders of government are disobeyed, extreme measures must be taken. M.'s desire has been to make the people understand G. B.'s leniency: "but if they dont know how to make use of that ease without turning it to licentiousness we shall find a way to make them repent of having Slighted so good an offer." Glad to hear that the affair between the wife of Jean Ie Blanc of Piziquid and the Landrys is likely to be settled. Wishes the resort to law only when all other methods have failed. Not likely to have the Governor this winter. Matters will continue as they are. "I writt to you by Jolly Coeur." Gautier is not yet come in."
Sept. 22.

Mascarene to the Deputies of River Canard.

Gautier who goes "towards your parts" thinks that he has not received full satisfaction for the loss of his horse. Wishes G. may have no reason to complain of their partiality. They dishonor the Govt. which appointed them umpires, when they give unjust judgments. They are to satisfy G. so that he may not complain of their partiality. In this, M. has no other view than to make people honest, particularly those who represent the Govt.
Oct. 5.

Mascarene to Bourg. [249

Members of Council have returned, with the news that there is no appearance of rupture between France and England, at least this year. No likelihood of change of Government at present in this province. Those who are summoned to attend next sessions and cannot adjust their differences, must attend. Reminds B. to send his accounts, to choose new deputies at the time appointed, and to recommend Govt. orders to the people.


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