Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  154  Nova Scotia Archives.

temporal and the spiritual. Has no desire to open up the controversy; it was forced on him by one of des E.'s brethren. M.'s only aim is "to keep Missionarys who reside in this Governmt within the bounds of their Duty & to hinder them from Establishing imperium in imperio." Is in favor of tolerating any persuasion which is not contrary to society and government.
Aug. 4.

Mascarene to Alex. Bourg. [243

Takes the opportunity "of Sieur Pierre Landry" to mention the application of "Bourgeoise wife of Jean Ie Blanc, "who has some claim on the Landrys of Piziquid who have an old deed they will not produce "which might accomodate the Affair." Wishes they would settle their differences amicably; if not, he will have them appear at the next Sessions. The affair of the Pierre Landry and the Benoits not yet settled. M. told Martin Benoit that he and his father must first comply with the decree of the Council, before the case could be re-opened, on the terms set forth in M.'s letter to the Deputies of last year. He and Mr. Donnell have been so busy since D.'s coming from Minas that M. has not settled anything with him yet. By the arrival of Benjamin Donnell "we find things are to remain here in the same Condition as they were."

NOTE: Follow two blank pages.
Aug. 24.

Mascarene to Alex. Bourg. [246

The death of Winniet has reduced his widow to a deplorable condition, which "gives a particular concern to everybody here, She is resolvd to pay honourably her deceased husband's debts." To that end she must receive what is justly due her. B. is to notify all in his district who were in W.'s debt to get ready "what is requisite to discharge their respective dues" with all speed, in order that the sloop which has gone to Boston and is, on her return, to proceed up the Bay, may make another voyage to Boston and return before winter. "She is to bring some merchandize for Acco’t of the Widow,"


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