Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 151

correspondence. Four of the Council have gone to New England, and the remainder are too few to decide important cases. Mlle. B.'s aunt has gone to Louisbourg to obtain proofs; and it is therefore to Mlle. B.'s interest to take all precautions. M. is sure Mlle. B. is too reasonable to hope for favour from him as a judge. In anything not contrary to his duty, M. will have great pleasure in obliging her. Hopes that when she has news and opportunity she will write.

Mascarene to de Quenelle. [239

Has received de Q.'s letter: congratulates him on his safe arrival in his government. Our Gov. Gen. is expected here shortly from England. If this happens, M. will he deprived of the honor of de Q.'s letters, but hopes to retain and deserve his esteem.

June 20.

Mascarene to Bourville.

Had the Honor to reply last year to one of B.'s letters addressed to the late Lt. Gov. of this province, and now glad to reply to the one B. has addressed to him personally. Thanks him for marks of esteem, which he will be happy to cultivate.

Mascarene to Intendant Bigot. [240

Also a civil note, acknowledging receipt of B.'s letter of last autumn.

Mascarene to Alex. Bourg.

Has received B.'s letter by Baptist Forest of Piziquid. Has told him what M. wrote to B. viz., that he would not decide any question of meum and tuum except in Council. If people will not compose their differences amicably, they must have recourse to the regular courts. "The Council have made it a rule to follow be Antient laws & Customs established with

July 2.


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