Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  150  Nova Scotia Archives.

as he believes by not receivg Absolution from the priest." This tends to render all civil judicature useless and to subvert H. M. authority. Power of the priests should extend no further than exhorting the parties to compose their differences amicably or submit to the usual civil procedure. "This is one of the blocks on which I have often forewarned you not to stumble."
June 29.

Mascarene to Alex. Bourg.1 [238

Wrote to B. some days ago by the surgeon who was returning to Minas: and directed him to notify the Landrys and Terriots of River Canard to forward to the Council at its next meeting, in October, what concerns the difference of the sharing about which they seem to disagree: but Etienne Boudrot having gone away before the surgeon's return, his trip has been in vain. To expedite such matters, M. wishes that the parties in such cases would, before coming here, communicate their documents to one another, and especially the petition which the plaintiffs address to the Governor-in-Council, in order that the other parties may be able to defend themselves, on their arrival here. This should be done a few days before the meeting of the Council, in order that the necessary documents may be translated into English for the information of the judges. Surprised to find Benoit of Piziquid here. Thought the affair between him and Pierre leBlanc settled and ended. If he is not satisfied with the Council's decision, all he can do is, after having as a first step conformed to that decision, to petition to have the case re-opened. In which case, he must pay all the costs, if the first sentence is confirmed, as noted in M.'s letters to the Deputies of May 20th, 1740 and to B. of Oct. 28th last. Habitans must obey or punishment will overtake them and go further than the individual thinks.
June 30.

Mascarene to Francoise Bellisle.

Pleased to open a correspondence with Mlle. B, which will not offend her confessor, as it is only all intellectual

1. This and the four letters following are in French.


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