Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 149

deal in such where they know this to be a breach of that order." "Communicate this for ye good of the Commonalty."
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. Paul Mascarene.

Mascarene to des Enclaves. [237

Has no time to answer des E. 's last letter fully, except in regard to de St. Poncy. What the Govt. has found most amiss in his conduct is his irregular manner of returning to the province "& the Council will no in wise hear of his Staying in it." Authority of the King must be maintained. If de St. P. persists in slighting the Government's orders, he will ruin the habitans who assist him. Though this government is slow in executing measures of severity, sooner or later those who disobey its orders will feel the weight of its resentment. M. would "prevent by Exhortations & other such Means the Troubles" which he sees that disobedience will bring upon this people.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. Paul Mascarene.

June 18.

Mascarene to des Enclaves.1

To answer the other part of des E.'s letter, in which he contends that the spiritual and the temporal are so closely connected that it is hard to distinguish. M. asserts that the priests usurp the power to make themselves sovereign judges: "for example a Parishioner complains to the Priest that his Neighbour owes him or detains such a thing from him the Priest Examines this Neighbour in the way of Confession the man denies his owing or detain’g Such a thing unjustly. The Priest doth not Stop where he should but calls & examines Witnesses & then decides in a judicial Manner & condemns the Party to make restitution & to Oblige him thereunto refuses to Administer the Sacraments by which if the man is Persuaded that it is in the Priest's Power to grant or withold the pardon of his sins he is in a wofull case & must rather Submit to be deprived of his goods than to incur damnation

1. Printed in full, N.S. Archives p. 111f

June 29.


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