Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 145

promise You have made me of maintaining The peace and Good Order in Your Parts, and of Keeping the people in that Submission They Owe to the Goverment to Which they have Swore Allegiance." Sends a letter to Sieur Alex. Bourg to be communicated to all the Deputies of the several districts of Minas. Sends Bourg also commission of Receiver of King's rents: le L. is to remit to B. what he had in his possession, on the departure of Mangeant.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

Mascarene to Bergeau.1

Wrote to B. in January last via Minas as well as to the other Deputies. Replies to B.'s letters and acknowledges receipt of what was sent by Winniett. Will be glad to have the value of the rents B. has received in wheat and pease. Reason why M. wants them in these "species" (especes) is on account of the want several poor families at Annapolis suffer; the scarcity may increase the price. Received the letter of the Deputies only the day before yesterday; and cannot reply fully. Government have no intention of interfering with the religious privileges of the habitans. Has laid before the Council this morning their request for a missionary to fill the place of M. "Desclasses." In regard to de St. Poncy, Council cannot withdraw its order: insists on the obedience of the people to it. New priest must be properly authorized and installed by the Government. If the priests attempt to act as masters they will be punished. Allen is waiting for the letter. B. to is communicate this to the Deputies and the habitans, as well as the enclosed proclamation to be published as usual. The time may not be far off when the fidelity of the people will be enquired into.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

1. In French.

Ap. 11.


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