Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  144  Nova Scotia Archives.

the entire district may not bear the blame, and the visit of two Deputies (an old and a new one) to Annapolis to receive orders. Besides, a great number do not acknowledge themselves subjects of the King of England, although the province was transferred to him by the King of France. Warns them of the consequences of such conduct. Deputies ought to take their office as an honor, not as a trouble. If they are punished for neglect of duty, M. has warned them.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.
Jan. 7.

Mascarene to des Enclaves. [229

Has received des E.'s letter per "one of the Young Le Blancs." The stumbling block to some of des E.'s profession "is the desire of Governing the Temporall by the Spirituall, Incroaching Little by Little & Endeavouring to Become the Commanders of the Parishes in Which they Resided, and Endeavouring Thereby to Shew that the Goverment had no Other power But by their means and by Addressing Themselves to them." Explains the reasons for appointing Deputies: orders of Govt. to be transmitted through them; they to execute and report on them. "If they Cannot write, (which by the by Shews the Ignorance in Which they have been Kept, & is not much to the Praise of the Missionaries who have Resided amongst Them) They are to make use of the hand of Those who Know that Art, But the Act must be Their own and Carry their Signature or Mark." Best men ought to be chosen, who ought to take it as an honor. Des E. will perceive that repairing the bridge ought to have been set on foot by authority of the Deputies. Des E.'s protestations of fidelity and of good behavior make M. hope that he will attend to these admonitions. M.'s only ambition is to promote the interests of the King of G. B. and the welfare of this province.
Jan. 6.

Mascarene to de Loutre. [231

Begins by wishing him a Happy New Year, "Which I do Very Willingly haveing in the Little Conversation we had Together Conceiv'd an Esteem for You and Relying On the

1. Twice in this letter esteem is spelled "Estime" the "ime" crossed out and "eem” written in above.


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