Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 143

Deputies of Chignecto and to Bergeau. Wishes B. to enclose "and Direct them to one You Can Confide in At that place, that he may Diliver them to Either the Old Or New Deputys If such Are Chosen and to Bergeau." They want M. to write by means of the Missionary priests, but he is resolved not to do so. Will direct B. before Spring how to forward the King's rents.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

Mascarene to Bergeau. [226

Has received B.'s of Dec. 18th by way of Cobequid. If the order for election did not reach the habitans at the date fixed, they should nevertheless have proceeded to choose deputies without delay. Excuse given looks like evasion and prevarication. Such conduct will draw down on them the displeasure of the Government. Has nothing to add to his orders regarding de St. Poncy. Has received per Winniett the value of 300 Livres remitted by B. of the King's dues, but without letter or bill of lading. Is afraid accounts will become confused and sends model form in which to make them out. If B. is to retain M.'s good opinion he must not take several rumors flying abroad for truths. M. is the head of the government hitherto. If any change is made, M. will be the first to give information regarding it. B. to take no powers on himself not warranted by his office. Deputies to assist in keeping good order. If not, M. foresees the ruin of the people.1
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

Jan. 7.

Mascarene to Deputies of Mìnas and Chignecto.2 [228

In all his letters and orders, M, has tried to impress on the deputies the necessity of obeying orders for their own good: some of the most important matters are the annual election of deputies; and the reporting of those who fail to vote, so that

1. Such phrases are frequent in Mascarene's letters.
2. "Circular Letter to the Deputys of Mines and places Adjacent & to those of Chignecto": at end of document.

Jan. 7.


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