Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 139

and LeBlancs has been settled by B. and the Deputies, according to the intention of the Council. Will lay the report before the Council at its first meeting, and answer B. regarding the question of expense. In regard to the frauds on the "Lots et Ventes,” when the King bought the seignorial rights, he bought all the rights: and thus, everything taken by fraud comes back to the King; and the fine ought to be in proportion to the sum taken by fraud, for it seems unjust that one who defrauds to the amount of a hundred pounds should pay no greater fine than he who steals four. Wishes B. to explain this: the order is not upon the books at Annapolis and M. would like to see it. Pierre Landry complains of a desire to molest him: see order and letter to the Deputies on this point. Would like to prevent lawsuits but not to decide them except before the Council, and by hearing both sides; B. and the deputies to get the fullest information possible on the case, for the benefit of M. and the Council. Inform the habitans that those who have defrauded the King and do not make restitution within a month or six weeks must expect to suffer the penalties annexed to their contracts; and that those who shall henceforth draw up contracts of "Lots et Ventes" except with proper authority, must expect no indulgence.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

Mascarene to Bourg.2 [220

Has received B.'s letter by Maufils. Glad to learn his fidelity to the King's service. Has received a letter from de Annapolis. St. Poncy from Louisburg, stating his intention to return to Chignecto, where apparently he now is. What M. has mentioned several times in his letters to the Deputies may happen before long, viz., some startling move on the part of the Government which will make the rebellious feel that that they are safe in no part of the province, however remote. Well for those who have been loyal, and can be distinguished from

1. Lods et ventes: "Redevance qu' un seigneur avait droit de prendre sur Ie prix d'un heritage vendu dans sa censive on dans sa mouvance,"
2. In French

Sept. 17.


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