Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  138  Nova Scotia Archives.
July 22.

Mascarene to Charles Dentremont.1 [217

Rehearses the reason for the appointment of deputies. As D. has been regarded as Deputy from Cape Sables, and represents "the Affairs of Those people Inhabiting at Pobumcoup and Bauaroraux Passage," encloses proclamation and other papers "to be there Published." If any of the people encroach on one another's property, or commit injustice or trangress the orders of the government, D. is to inform the Governor, or in his absence, the commander-in-chief and Council. Day for electing deputies, Oct. 11th, N.S. If it fall on Sunday, the election is to take place, on the following Monday. If the people do not think fit to continue D. in the office, they are to elect one or two in his place. In this case, the government is to be notified and the new deputy sent to Annapolis, as soon as possible.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.
Aug. 23.

Mascarene to Bourg and Deputies of Piziquid. [218

As a dispute is likely to arise between Peter Bennit, Martin Bennit "and Their associates" on the one side, and the family of the Forrests on the other, in regard to a piece of marsh and the channel of a mill at Piziquid, which caused M. "Upon the Representation of Mr. Peter Landry of Said Place" to send the Bennits an order of this date forbidding them to disturb the Forrests in possession of the estate they have purchased, until they appear before the Commander-in-chief and Council and obtain permission, in case the Bennits do interfere, B and the Deputies are to "Examine into the state Of Their Difference" that the nature of it may be more easily comprehended and decided by the Council.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.
Aug. 23.

Mascarene to Bourg.2 [219

Received B.'s letter by Hautbois an hour ago: is glad to learn that the division of River Canard between the Landrys

1. Original pagination ceases.
2. In French.


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