Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 137

Mascarene to Bergeau.1 [216

Has received B.'s of July 3rd per Winniett with his commission from late Lt. Gov. of the province. Not necessary to send it but only to show it, for M.'s proclamation continues B. in his position like every other officer. Returns B.'s commission with written approval, which will be sufficient until B. can come in person to Annapolis, as he intends to do, and get another. B. must send a statement of the rents collected: as the papers of the late governor are not in good order. Bellehumeur, Mangeant, and "Duyon" have made out their paper's clearly for this river, "toutes les Mines et Cobequid," and received their quittance from the Council: B. the only "receiver" to report: can get paper from Blinn, who has gone in B.'s direction: would have sent some himself, if he had had fitting occasion. In regard to the rents received and to be received and the means of remitting them hither, all the contracts carry the condition of being paid here at the seignorial mansion; it therefore lies with the habitans to find conveyance, but to make things as easy as possible, B. has only to sell the proceeds of the rents, and remit them in money, notes or bonds upon the merchants trading to Annapolis; for which M. will give a valid receipt. As the late governor (or his heirs) are responsible to the King for what was received of H. M. funds, O'Neil must pay his own debts, and B. has only to mark in his statement the amount O'N. still holds. Sends proclamation to be read and posted up at Chignecto: its contents and M.'s open letter to the Deputies will explain why it is necessary. It is to the interest of the inhabitants of this province to comport themselves as loyal British subjects and not as rebels; or trouble may come upon them which will involve the innocent with the guilty. Enquires for Blin, who has been very ill at Minas.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

1. In French.
2. "en argent, ou en Billets on eu Obligations Sur les marchands qui viennent icy."

July 7.


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