Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  136  Nova Scotia Archives.

gardée aux Griffe"); copies of which are to be sent to the various settlements in B.'s district. The intention of M. and the Council in this is not to deprive the habitans· of their religious rights but to hinder the priests from exceeding their powers; which may bring trouble upon them and deprive them of the privilege they have hitherto enjoyed. As soon as these gentlemen disregard the orders of the government and exercise powers repugnant to the laws of G. B., it is certain that they will not be allowed to remain in the country; and those who shall support and maintain them, contrary to the laws, will render themselves liable to punishment. Get the habitansto consider the matter, and if they regard their own interests, they will see nothing but justice in our proceedings. Enclosed what he had previously written, having no time to add more. (signed.)
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.
July 4.

Mascarene to the Deputies of the Province. [215

Reason for this proclamation, the offence given to H. M. government "By Publishing an Excommunication with intention to Deprive of all means of Livelyhood one who not only has had the Protection of a Subject but is actually in a Publick Employ." Missionaries seem to think it not sufficient that the habitans enjoy their religious rights; but they themselves assume powers not allowed by the laws of G. B. and consequently excluded by the Article (14. of the Treaty of Utrecht) securing the exercise of their religion to the French. Deputies and missionaries advised to keep within the bounds prescribed by law. As long as they do so, they will have the protection of the government. If the missionaries misbehave, those who support them may expect to be called to a severe account. This to be communicated to the succeeding deputies and to serve as a rule of conduct in time to come.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.


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