Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  134  Nova Scotia Archives.

are to take care that no missionary priest settles in any district or officiates without the government license. Inhabitants not to apply, or send, for any priest without first obtaining Government's permission, as such proceeding may bring the forfeiture of the "Indulgence they have heitherto Enjoyed." Deputies to report, the presence of all strangers, the nature of their business and the time they intend to stay. Mangeant wishes to give up receiving the King's rents, and makes up his accounts to the end of 1739: those who remain debtors to that time are accountable to him. From the beginning of 1740, they will pay the persons appointed. This letter, with all containing any regulations or orders, is to be left in the office of Sieur Alexander Bourg, notary for the districts within the Gut of Minas, that, they may be consulted when necessary; Bourg to send copies to the districts as required, within the Basin of Minas as far as Cobequid.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.
June 2.

Mascarene to Bourg.1 [212

In giving B. his commission as notary, M. forgot to administer the oath to perform his duties honestly, which neither B. nor any person could refuse. Sends the form for signature, at the same time oath on the Gospels to be administered by Blin, who has power as justice of the peace to administer the oath. Has heard by Blin, that Cosby has been made Lt. Col. and himself Major in Phillipp's regt. through Armstrong's death. Nothing changed in the civil government.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.
June 7.

Mascarene to Wm Pegrum, Surveyor Gen. [213

Writes an account of murmuring among our traders. Some of them break bulk in different parts of the bay without first entering here. Those who do obey the law find themselves anticipated2 by the less scrupulous, who supply the various harbors, By this plan freight from Boston may take three or

1. In French.
2. "Prevented," in its old meaning.


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