Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 133

14th Instant Between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the morning." Sends another proclamation for the commander at Canso.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. P. Mascarene.

Mascarene to the Deputies. [210

By the order sent to give Brosard possession of his land, which was long ago adjudged to him by the Council "on the Report of The Arbitrators Chosen by the Parties by Common Consent," M. finds that there are amongst the habitans perverse and obstinate people who will not conform themselves to the various sentences and orders. Only those who obey can expect to enjoy the protection of the British government; those who disobey will feel its power. Those who so submit have the right of appeal in cases which have been decided against them, in case they have new proofs to adduce: but if the judgment in the appeal is also against them, they must pay costs, "Which will be a means to prevent Stubbornness and Litigiousness." As it is to the deputies that the government orders are directed, they are to give all assistance in getting them carried out: and to return the names of those who refuse to obey. Reminds them of the regulation of Sept. 11, 1732, that the habitans are to elect their deputies on Oct. 11th, of each year, whose names shall be returned here by one new and one old deputy, to give an account of the administration of the preceding year and to receive instructions for the coming year; together with a "Power" signed by the inhabitants, constituting the new chosen deputies, and showing that they have been chosen by the majority. By these means, law and order will be again on a good footing, especially if the deputies chosen are men of good sense, reputed honest, possessed of valuable lands and having the common good at heart. Such men will maintain peace, assist justice, and prevent the misconduct of a few from putting the whole population in the wrong, "or Become Suspected to the Goverment under whose Subjection they are and to Which they have Taken an Oath of fidelity." Both deputies and people generally

May 27.


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