Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 129

Lunacy. A. has convened H. M. Council, and, by their advice, informed the Board of Trade and the Duke of Newcastle of these events.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. John Adams

Adams to Gov. Belcher. [203

Only time to acquaint B. with the death of Gov. Armstrong, "who put a Period to his life with his own Hands the 6th Instant." Doubts not that B. will be informed of the state of the garrison and province by Major Mascarene.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. John Adams

Adams to King Gould.

Though a stranger, A. is emboldened by his knowledge of G’s character, to ask his good offices in securing from Philipps, for A., the usual allowance for discharging the duties of Governor, devolving upon him through Armstrong's suicide on the 6th inst.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. John Adams

Dec. 10.

Shirreff to Mangeant. [204

Acknowledges receipt of M.'s letter by Forrest: hopes to see him "here" as soon as the weather permits, and that he will bring with him what S. has so long expected. Through the death of Armstrong, of which M, has no doubt heard, the government has devolved upon Adams, who directs S. to send the enclosed summons for the Deputies to appear before the Council, give an account of their election and receive orders. Hopes he will forward, as soon as possible, the enclosed summons of the same tenor to Bergeau, and to the Deputies of Piziquid and Cobequid.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry.

Jan. 14.


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