Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  128  Nova Scotia Archives.
Aug. 27.

Armstrong to Philipps. [201

Acknowledges receipt of orders from the Duke of Newcastle in regard to the violation of the treaty on the part of Spain, and to the issuing of letters of marque: informed his officers of the same. In view of the "Dismall and Melancholly Situation of the Troops at Canso who must Certainly fall a Sacrifice (being Without all Manner of Defence)" in case subjects of France or others should attack them, A. ressembled his officers for their advice on the matter: and transmits herewith their opinion.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong1
Dec. 8.

Adams to Board of Trade.

By Armstrong's "Surprising and Melancoly Death," A. has became President of the Council, has convened them and will act by their advice. "It hath been Observ'd that Governor Armstrong has been for a long time frequently Afflicted with Melancholy fitts, the Consequence of which none ever Suspected till they found him Dead on Thursday 6th Instant. On whose Body, Majr. Cosby Lieut. Govr of the Garrison, having Ordered the Officers to Sitt, they Brought in their Verdict Lunacy." We condole the misfortune and hope for a successor. As to the state of Canso, it has been frequently represented and is well known to Philipps; it is defended by only four companies and must fall a sacrifice to the enemy, in case of war.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. John Adams2
Dec. 8.

Adams to Philipps. [202

As Gov. Armstrong put an end to his life on the 6th inst. A. thinks it his duty to acquaint P. therewith, and further that the jury of officers appointed by Cosby brought in a verdict of

1. Written and signed in a very shaky hand, possibly by Armstrong himself. He committed suicide on Dec. 6th, 1739. See for confirmation MS 24, Adams' Letter Book. Dec. 8th, 1739.
2. Memo: that letter of same tenor and date sent to Duke of Newcastle: countersigned by Shirreff.


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