Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  120  Nova Scotia Archives.

go;—but in a canoe rather than in M.'s vessel, which is not safe in the strong and rapid tides. A. does not blame B. on this occasion. Advises mildness and to guard against all violent and disagreeable proceedings.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

P. S. Fail not to send the Rent Roles
June 10.

Council to Philipps.1 [186

Understand that there is a project to settle the province more effectually: beg to remind P. why it is not now in a better condition. 1. The French inhabitants allowed to remain in their possessions, no proper subjects could be found to establish a government in accordance with the laws of England. They are Roman Catholics and unqualified to form a House of Representatives. 2. Their possessing the best lands has been a discouragement to possible English settlers "to Offer themselves for Settling any New and uncultivated Lands." 3. The penny an acre quit-rent and the possible tax of another penny is a great discouragement to settlers, especially as very good lands may be had in the adjacent provinces without any such tax. Mascarene who tried to get settlers from the neighboring province found this penny tax the chief objection. 4. Except for these discouragements, the province would have made greater progress and civil government been established in all its branches; latter not incompatible with military occupation, which is an absolute necessity to keep the numerous French to their duty: and protect settlers from Indians: force should be greater. Refer P. to document dated July 13th, 1734, for state of province and of Canso.

"As We understand that some Opposition has been made to some Proposalls of a New Scheme offered by you for the Settle’t of this province; if it should arise from reflections cast on the administration of the Government by Reason of the Councils Consisting of Officers who have Posts in ye Troops,

1. The numbers 186 & 187 are repeated: the original index runs only as far as 187. Armstrong to Mangeant.


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