Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 119

Island to himself and associates. In accordance with resolution of Council, transmits copies of them to B. of T. to know the King's pleasure thereon.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

Armstrong to Cosby.1

Hopes that he has passed an agreeable winter and that he and his force are in good health. In N. S. "We here have had a very moderate Winter and Early Spring": all the more surprised not to have heard from C. or anything concerning the arrival of Capt. How at Canso; "he having Sailed from London the latter end of September last." Also concerned that C. did not forward provisions and clothing for the detachment, which was reduced to great straits. C.'s family all well. Winniett sailed a few days ago for the Bay. Proclamation sent herewith to be published. C. to give all assistance to the enterprise mentioned in it, and to encourage the fishery; see that everyone gets his rights, to prevent future complaints. There have been not a few already. Supposes C. has heard "the most Dismall & Melancholy news of the Queen's Death," which A. learned from the Boston vessels. "I need not direct you what is to be done in that Respect." Sorry to learn of differences between C. and his officers. "I heartily recommend to you Peace and Unity as it is for the good of his Majts Service and the Benefit of the whole Corps."
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

Ap. 19.

Armstrong to Mangeant. [187

Received two letters from M. by Le Prince, one dated May 28th, N. S., and the other undated. Writing so hurried and words so contracted, that A. can only make out that M. was fatigued with his voyage, and had a quarrel with Bellhumeur, on no other ground than that B. could not immediately proceed on board M.'s vessel for Chippody. B. excuses himself to A. on the ground of his health, and is now ready and willing to

1. At Canso.

May 27.


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