Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  118  Nova Scotia Archives.
March 31.

Armstrong to O'Neal.

Desires O'N. to read and interpret faithfully letter enclosed to deputies and inhabitants of his district, so that they may not pretend ignorance. “And in Order to put a stop to all Complaints offered by them against your self I would have you to treat them with Civility, Tenderness and good Nature in the Execution of your Duty and let them know with mildness the Consequence of their Obedience or Disobedience to this his Majts Government, which delights neither in Cruelty nor Harshness." O’N. is to collect the rents at once and turn them over to Wm. Winniett, or others as occasion will best serve. In case of refusal to comply as heretofore, the objectors are to be summoned to Annapolis "to show Cause for such Disrespect."
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong
Ap. 10.

Armstrong to Le Mercier.1 [185

Received Le M.'s letter of March 6th with petition relating to Sable Island. Encloses minute of Council. Council of opinion that as Le M. seems unwilling to pay a penny stg. quit-rent per acre, the matter be referred home to Secretary of State and Board of Trade. In the meantime, Council will issue a proclamation forbidding all persons to kill the petitioner’s cattle which are or may be landed on the island. A. willing to promote his interest: but Le M. should have applied to him first, before sending "such a stock of Cattle thither upon such an Uncertainty."
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong
Ap. 10.

Amstrong to Board of Trade. [186

Since his last, has had letter and petition from "One Mr Le Mercier, a french minister in Boston (who calls himself an Englishman by Naturalization)" praying for a grant of Sable

1. "Mr. Andrew Le Mercier, a ffrench Minister in Boston." See Trans. Roy. Soc. Can 1894. Sec. II, p.11.


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