Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Governor's Letter-Book, Annapolis, 1719-1742. 115

with their letter of Feb.18th, 1736-7 five of the oldest councillors in this province are embarking to meet commissioners of the other provinces at Hampton, in order to settle the boundaries between Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Armstrong to Mangeant. [177

Proclamation sent regarding the time for hearing, reading and examining the inhabitants' complaints and petitions. M. to have it proclaimed in the "Mass-House" either before or after mass for three successive Sundays and afterwards affixed "at the most Patent door of the Church," that no one may hereafter pretend ignorance of its provisions. On M.'s arrival at Grand Pré, he is to take copies of proclamation to be sent to the deputies of Piziquid, Cobequid, River Canard and also to O'Neal at Chignecto "to be there also published & affixed as aforesaid."
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

Jan 14.

The French translation follows

Armstrong to de la Goudalie ?1

Baptiste Maffie appointed by the Governor-in-council to be constable at Grand Pré "for ye better administration of justice, the Ease of the Inhabts and the more speedy Execution of such Orders of Government" as may be issued. Danger of molestation and hindrance in the execution of his office. Priest expected to "prevent these Inconveniences": part of his duty to let the deputies and other inhabitants know that they must obey, and assist the constable in the discharge of his duty.
Wm Shirreff Sec.ry. L. Armstrong

Jan 14.

The French translation follows

Armstrong to Mangeant.

This by Cadet and Terriot's son in reply to M.'s two letters of Feb. 17th and 28th last, which have today been read in Council. Order to be served on Bellhumeur in case he does not

1. Marginal note: "To the Priest at Menis in relation to Maffils the Constable."

March 2.


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