Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  110  Nova Scotia Archives.

Canso as a member of the Council, a gentleman who has deserved well of the govt; and has granted two patents for lands and mines "up the Bay of Fundy."
Otho Hamilton Sec. L. Armstrong

P. S. Mr How the Gentleman who brings this having resided long at Canso will give Your Lordship a just accot of the State thereof.
Sept. 6.

Hamilton to the St. John Indians.1

By the Governor's orders, writes regarding the two deserters who have fallen into their hands. According to the articles of the treaty of peace, all prisoners are to be released for a reasonable sum: the Govr has ordered Blin or Donnell to pay the Indians sixty francs for each deserter.2 Hopes that there will be no difficulty in surrendering the men.
Otho Hamilton Secretaire.
Nov. 22.

Armstrong to Sec. of State. [167

In his last A, gave his reasons for sending away the priests de St. Poncy and Chevereaux; now finds de Brouillan supporting them in their disregard of this government. Chevereaux stopt at Cape Sables as missionary to the Indians. De B. approves C.'s conduct, (as shown by his letters) and has sent back de St. P. to act as priest here.

"The minutes of Council will shew you how we have received him, by Forbidding him to Exercise his ministerial function & to Depart by the first Convenient Opportunity. Inhabitants have "Petitioned strongly for his Officiating this winter." Matter lying still before the Council undecided: all the letters and papers on this subject have been sent home. Expects the French court to make some stir therein. Enclosures: "N° 1 is Mr St Ovide's first letter after Mr St Poncy's Arrival at Lewisbourg; N° 2 is my Answer; No 3 is his Reply; N° 4 is Mr St Poncy's Declaration in Council;

1. In French :
2. "Soixante ffrancs Argent de Boston."


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