Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  102  Nova Scotia Archives.

last, and are further suspected of murdering a woman and a negro boy, who were in the boat at the time, and were afterwarde (as she reports) found dead in the woods. The Dentremonts are to use all efforts to discover the guilty parties, and to come themselves, as many as can be spared, to Annapolis and clear themselves of all suspicion of connivance or complicity.

Despatch enclosed for the Chief, which they are to read and interpret faithfully to him.
May 17th.

Armstrong to the Chief of the Cape Sable Indians. [157

Greeting, formal. A. is "mightly pleased with the Character you Bear & your Prudent & wise Conduct in being noways Concerned" in the alleged murder and robbery connected with the "Baltimore," in Tibogue, "Near your Village," committed by Antoine Tedeumart, and others. Chief and innocent members of the tribe assured of A.'s protection and friendship. Such actions are not only repugnant to the laws of God and man, but also expressly against the articles of peace signed by the C. Sable Indians and the tribes of New England, one article of which stipulates that "no privite Revenge shall be taken"; but that, on complaint, an Englishman shall be regularly tried for an offence agaInst an Indian, and an Indian offending shall be delivered by his tribe for trial. Not necessary to remind the chief of these things, as latter must abhor all such vile and abominable actions, which bring down the vengeance of God and the displeasure of men "particularly of the Subjects of his most Sacred Brittanick Majesty My Master." Enjoined to recover the missing property and deliver Tedeumart and such others of the tribe as are concerned in the wrong-doing, that they may be fairly examined according to the treaty, and that the Chief himself may be freed from all blame.


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