Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  100  Nova Scotia Archives.

"She Declares that when the aforesaid Indians took her from on Board that She left the other two men, who are now Missing then Alive & in Possession of the Vessell, by which Circumstance & that of the Indians taking the Ships Boat from a Servt Maid & ß Negroe Boy who had been sent with her a Shore the 24th Decr as Reported, We are somewhat Apprehensive of Murder, the Maid & Boy being afterwards found in the Woods.

"To which loss of the Boat Mrs Buckler imputes the Death of Ships Company, being thereby cutt off from having any means of getting ffresh Water, for Want whereof they perished, & not by any other Apparent Disease or Sickness, Which is Indeed Surprising in a Harbour, where She says they had no Scarcity of Provisions nor of any Other Liquors."

The vessel was and is in this harbor; and the woman was in the possession of the Indians; A. therefore sends this account of her misfortunes in case any of the missing property turns up in de B.'s jurisdiction; wishes de B. to secure it.

"She In Her Conversatn Reports that She hath been at Lewisbourg along with her said Deceased Husband & lived Several weeks along with Mr De Jambon (with whom) as by Mr Dentremon's Declaration 'tis beleived She is Related; So that it is probable you may Know her & be Able to give us Some further Light"

People of Cobequid have petitioned for a priest. "Mr. de St Poncy who was very desirous to go to France in Order to Recover his health Embracing their Choice of him for Twelve Months." Petition laid before H. M. Council and granted, on condition that either he or Mr. Cheveraux (who was in attendance on the Council) go first to Pobomcoup and try to make the Indians give up Mrs. Buckler's property, "According to the Proposal & Request of Mr Charles Dentremon.

"They both upon Communicating to them the Sentence of the Board, fell into a most Outragious Insolent passion, And Unmannerly Behaviour, as being Attended with such an Audacious Contempt of, & Disobedience to his Brittanick Majesty's Power & Authority & Disrespect to his Council;


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