Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 69


he would therefore give them no Other Answer, before they Appeared Before this Board for Examination; And y.t if he found that they made a fair & An Ingeneous Confession of the Truth, they might then According to their Behaviour with greater Confidence (and that even upon your Acco.t) Expect pardon, and be again Received into y.e protection of the Government, which they have thus forefitted, And with the Advice of the Board Gave Orders to y.e Deputees, to bring the Said Joseph Brusar and these other Inhabitants who were at Mines with father Charlemagne here to the Garrison on Wednesday next; Then [94] Then the Governour informed the Board That it was his beleife from Some Letters he had Received, which he produced, that these Hostilitys of the Indians were all Chiefly Hatched and Oarried on by the Intrigues of the Romish Priests, And that therefore he Judged it Necessary for the Good of his Majestys Service to Summons Pere ffalix and Pare Isidore, the Romish Priests at Mines & Pigiguit to appear before the Board in Order to be Examined

     To which (having Read the aforesaid Letters) y.e Board being of the Same Oppinion, Unanimously Agreed

     At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governour John Doucetts house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Wednesday the 12th of Aug. 1724

Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President
Major Paul Mascarene
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq

     The Honourable L.t Gowrnour Acquainted the Board that the Deputees had According to the Minute of Council and his Orders on Munday last, brought allong with them the aforesaid Brusar and those other Inhabitants who were at Mines with the Priest Charlemagne and had presented him with a Petition beging pardon and Confessing the Cause of their Concealing the late Affairs of the Indians; And the
Joseph Brusar and his Accomplishes examined


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