Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  56  Nova Scotia Archives.

     It is the Oppinion of the Board that Laverdeurs Children having Abandoned & left the Country y.t they have therefore no Right to any part of Said Marshes

     The Inhabitants of the Cape having also Come According to Order were Called in & Asked why they did not According to his Excellency's Proclamation repair & keep their Marshes on both sides the Garrison in good Order

     To which they Answered that it was too great an Expence & that they were not able to do it, Only Francis (alias) Nigan Robichau Said that he had a Piece of Marsh on the other side of Allans Orick which he had every year Manured, but being partly brock Down last Winter, he would again Repair it as soon as possible.


The Honourable Lt Governor Acquainted those who Neither had nor would not Undertake to Repair their Sard Marshes had According to his Excelly General Rich.d Philipps's Proclamation forefitted the Same to his Majesty, and tbe Board Agreed that it was allso their Oppinion [78]

     At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governor John Doucetts' house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Wednesday the 8th of July 1724

Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President
Major Paul Mascarene
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq

William Shirreff Esq
Motion Made for executing one of the Indian prison ers to terrify the rest.

     Whereas the Salvages of this his Majestys Province of Nova Scotia Committed Sev.l Roberys .& Murders against his Majestys Subjects in the year 1722 and since have Committed in Open Enmity & Rebellion and Whereas to fence (?) against such Barbaritys, several of their people were Seiz'd & Detained Prisoners which Induced Sev.l of the Sal vages of this River to Submitt to the Govern.t and promise to Demean themselves peaceably & to Informe the Governm.t of any Insult that should be Intended against it (as appears by the Instrument Signed by them) Upon which promise


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