Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  52  Nova Scotia Archives.

     At a Council held at the Same place on Wednesday the 5th of February 1723/4

     The Honourable L.t . Governor Presid.t & the Same Gentlemen as aforesaid Present
Letter to the Lv.t Gov.r Craving that a priest of the order of St. Francis be sent to the Inhabitants of Pigiguite


     The Honourable L.t Governor Acquainted the Board y.t he had Rec.d a Letter from Major Alex.e Cosby at Canso Intimating y.t his Excelly had given leave to Pere Claude Sanguier Superior of the Recollects at Lewisburg to Said ( sic) a Priest of the Order of S.t ffrancis to the Inhabitants of Pigiguite in this his Majestys Province & the Said Superior having Accordingly Sent One Pere Isidore to Reside there and the Said Isidore being also Come here to Acquaint him thereof to ask his Consent & the Protection [73] Protection of the Government, he Desired the Oppinion of the Board

     The Said Letter being Read & Considered ye Board Resolved & Agreed that notwithstanding ye french Inhabitants of this his Majestys Province had Granted them the free Exercise of their Religion, that no Romish Priest Should be permitted to Come & reside in any part of the Province as they hitherto have done without the Consent & Approbation of the Governm.t first sought and Obtained from the Governour in Writing

     And y.t Whereas his Excelly General Rich.d Phillips when at Canso had as per the aforesaid Letter at y.e Request of the Aforesaid Superior granted him leave to Send one of the aforesaid Order for the Inhabitants of Pigiguite & he the aforesald Pere Isidore being Come for the Approbation of the Governour & the Protection of the Government (which is more than any heretofore have done) the Board therefore & for the Encouragement of all Such Regular proceedings amongst said Romish Priests for the future, Agreed that he Should have the cure of Pigiguite with its Accustomary Perquisits & hold the Same till farther Orders he allways behaving himself as becometh & that the Governour give him An Order for his So doing


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