121 | | Ditto orderd to be Banished |
122 | | Letter from Isidore the preist advised |
123 | | The Deputys of Menis and a preist order'd to appear in Council |
124 | | Gotie a ffrench man Examin' d Upon oath |
125 | | The Deputys Examined by Majr Mascarene |
129 | | Several Memorials laid before the Board |
130 | | ffrancis Bastarach's Claim against John Duyon |
131 | | John Duyons papers registred and he allowed to go out of the province |
133 | | Samuel Douglass's Memorial Answered and Piere Comman's petition Delay'd |
134 | | Mr Shirreffs affair Concerning the Mill |
135 | | Prudane Robicheau's petition answered by Seting him at liberty, and Margaret Douglass's petition for a Support advis'd |
136 | | Several papers belonging to James Pobomcoups &c Inspected |
137 | | An order from Gaulin the preist to the Inhabitants Disapprov'd of |
138 | | Mr Winniets Representation delayd |
139 | | Ditto Answer'd, and the Merchants are allowed to go up the Bay |
140 | | Piere Comman's Petition Answer'd |
141 | | Commau & Richards agree about their lands, and John Adams and William Skeen Esqrs Sworn |
142 | | Govr Armstrongs Arrival Congratulat, and Alexr Bourgs Submissive petition, as also three ffrench men Suppos'd to be Spies Examined |
147 | | The peace Concluded with the Indians at Boston, and the Indians of this province to be advertised thereof |
148 | | Letter from the Deputys Relating to the peace with the Indians |
149 | | Ignace the preists Complaint against the Inhabitants of Shickenectua |
150 | | Mary D'agre's petition |