Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  354  Nova Scotia Archives.

of Attorny, the Sum of about 13 s. and that having Employed the Said Defft three Days about his Cannoe, that in Consideration thereof He forgave Him ye Remainder of Said Brown's Debt & that the Debt of 10s which he now Demands is Intirely due which ye Defft then Immediately also Acknowledged to be as y Sd Hergrave Sett forth, & He ye Sd plaintiff being also ask'd if He would take his Note, He answer'd in ye Same Manner as the Rest, & the Defft Being ask'd if He could find no Bail or Security, He answer'd He could find none, however, at his prayer & Request they Consented to give Him his Liberty in order to go to find Mony or Security till to Morrow about 4 in the Afternoon, He Having promis'd upon his Word & Honour to return by that time.

     According to his promise he came with his Sister Beaulieu & told the Plaintiffs that he had not Money enough to Satisfy their whole Demands, but that He would pay them in part, & that his Said Sister would be Answerable for ye rest, & accordingly paid Hergrave & Gormon their Demands & whereupon Mr Douglass took his Sister Magdelaine's Word for the Sd Debt & ye Secretary who answer'd for Cook & Seal took her Word also both for that sum & his fees
Wm Shirreff Secretary

     Att a Council held at ye Secretary's office by order of ye Honble Lt Governor of ye Province on Saturday 12th June 1736 at ten o’ ye Clock A: M:

John Adams
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
The Mass house up the River to be pulled Down &c.


     The Secretary acquainted the Board that His Honour ye Lieut [449] the Lt Governor of ye Province had directed Him to acquaint Them that all what He had to Say to ye Deputys, was that they Should pull down that Mass House up ye River, and bring the Timbers thereof Down for ye


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