Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 345

     Depart immediately to the Presbytere & there to Remain as aforesaid & also Ordered that the 14th Artl of the Treaty of Utrecht should be sent them

     And it being Motioned at the Board that notwithstanding the Standing Orders of the Government upon the Treachery of the Priest Charlemaine that there should be no more Mass said up the River, that the Mass house there should be Demolished & one Built here to which they might all resort, as an Eternal Monument of their said Treachery The Inhabitants, No doubt through the Advice & Instigation of their said Independant Priests, had repaired or rebuilt One up the River which they had Adorned & Made much finer than this One here below, And that it was Reported that Mass was Said up the River at that House as frequently as at this; And as thereby they owed their Contempt of & Disobedience to the Govermt if they have done any such thing without Permission; It was therefore Motioned as a thing, Worthy the Consideration of the Board
In relat.n to the Mass house up the River.

     Whereupon His Honour assuring the Board that he had never given them any permission & that it was the first time he had ever heard of it It was then Ordered that it should be Enquired into, that According to the truth & Certainty thereof, the Board may Consider upon such Methods & take Such Measures that the Orders of the Government, may be more Punctually & Respectively Obeyed 1 And that in the Meantime the Doors of that houss be Closly Naild Up 1
L : Armstrong

1 The same words at the end of the Council for May 24, 1736 scored out: written here in different ink and in a different hand.


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