Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 343

     Same being Read; It was only therefore recommended to the Governor who had permitted her to build the said House & that as he also Says at the request of Govr Cosby to Secure her the said Petitioner in the Enjoyment of it for twenty One Years

     Tewsday the 18th May 1736, Being Mett at the same Place According to Yesterdays Appointment & the Same Members Present A. M:

     A Scrawl Letter to Govr St Ovid on the Subject of the Brigantine the Baltimore was read & approved

     The Petition in behalf of the Inhabts of Cobaquit was also laid before the Board, which being again read & what His Honour had also said thereon Considered the prayer was Granted.

     Whereupon Mr de St Poncy & Cheavereaux the two Romish Priests were called in & informed thereof & told that it was Judged necessary, before Mr De St Poncys departure for Cobaquit, that either he or Mr Chevereaux should first go to Pobomcoups along with Mr Charles Dentremont & Lt Amhurst to use Endeavours that Restitution may be made of the Vessells Sails & such Other Effects which the Indians had taken
The Behavi of ye Romish Priests.

     They thereunto Answered His Honour & the Board in a most Insolent, Audacious & Disrespectfull manner, Saying that absolutely that they would not go & that they would have nothing to do in the Affair


     And [437] And being asked if they would not Obey the Just & lawfull Orders of his Majesty's Goverment to which Mr Cheveraux Answering Contemptously with an Unbecoming Air and unmannerly gestures Saying Que Je Suis ici de la part du Roy de France, & Mr St Poncy most Affrontingly affirming the Same also, in words to the Same Effect


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