Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 331

     At a Committee of Council held by the Authority Aforesaid at the same place on saturday the 24th of January 1735/6 P. M.

William Shirreff Esq
Erasmus James Philipps
Otho Hamilton


     Etiene and Charles Martains & Ant. Broin Petitioners [425] Petitioners With the Tibodeaus Defendants in Relation to turning the Course of the Rivolet Loup-Marine being all present The Gentlemen in Obedience to his Honours Order heard what both the partys had to say On that Subject; but could not judge of the Reasonableness of either partys Allegations Untill first Visited And Impartially Reported by Disinteressed people of Judgmt And Experience of Such Works and Enterprizes: The Defendts Alledging that by altering its Course their Estates may be thereby Ruin'd, And that therefore it Would be Very Imprudent in them to Consent to And Run the Risque of Such An Accident, besides the Other Inconveniencys which they must be Reduced to by being shut up in an Island if the work should be Carried on, And that the petitioners could not Warrant the Contrary

     The petitioners in Ansr to these Allegations Replyed and said that they could Run no such Risque of losing their Estates, Nor be Reduced to Any Such Inconveniencys thereby; Because that they Would Warrant the Contrary by giving them Good Security for their Estates, And that they would prevent their other Inconveniencys by Building a Bridge whereby they might at all times go to the Wood for their fireing And Other Necessarys And that they Would Rebuild their Mills And pay all the loss they in the Mean time might Sustain, Support and Mentain the Bridge for ever And also Give Security for their so doing

     Which being the Sum of the Whole, the Gentlemen. Recommended to them to Consider well of the Consequence of the Work, to Advise friendly with on Another, And to


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