Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  326  Nova Scotia Archives.

Lt. Governor Cosbys memo.l


Alexander Cosby, sent advice to the Board by the Constable [419] Constable that he was without & desired to speak to the Board, whereupon being admitted, he aquainted the Gentlemen that hearing the Council was this day to sit upon granting a Patent to John Hart Esqr for that peninsula lying Eastward from Hault Island, & Apprehending that such a Grant might prejudice himself & others, to whom His Honour had by repeated, promises & a minute of Council already Given, he presented the Board with a Memorial (saying that he beleived His Honour the Lieut Govr had been present) & desired the same, being put into Mr Secretarys hands, to be Read.

     Whereupon Mr Secretary applyed himself to Mr President & put the question, as the Memoriall was Directed to his Honour & the Council, whether it should be read without being first Communicated to His Honour which being considered, the Board were of Opinion, that it should be first communicated to his Honour & therefore Ordered that Mr Secretary should go & aquaint His Honour that such a paper was delivered & lying before the Board, & that Major Cosby was aleo waiting for an Answer

Governor Armstrongs ans.r Governor Cosby.

     Upon which His Honour desiring that it might be sent him Mr Secretary carried the same; & His Honour after having perused it, came to Council. To whom Govr Cosby repeated the same what he had said to the Board, & desiring his Memoriall to be read & lodged in the Office. His Honour Judged it not proper, & said that he intended prejudice to no Man, but only to Comply with his Majesty's Order. Whereupon was read the Minute of the Committee of the Lords of his Majesty's most Honble Privy Council, & being Compared with the Deputy Surveyors plan of said peninsula, & a minute of this Board bearing date Wednesday the 15th January 1734/5 signifying that this Board were fully of Opinion "That His Honour should order a Grant in favour of John Hart Esqr Conformable to the minute of his Majestys Most Honble Privy Council was also Read


     The the [420]


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