Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 325


his due Complyance, or be Committed [418] Committed to prison till he find such bail, & fined as the Board may think proper for such disobedience & Contempt

     Whereupon the Board agreed & were of Opinion, that René Martin upon the Report of Anthoine Bruine one of the Deputys, Witnessed by Will Denny AIs Pierre Goddet, was guilty of Contempt & disobedience, And that he should therefore be Oblidged to find Immediate Security for Complying with the Govrs Orders, or to be Committed to Goal, & to pay all Charges

     Ordered that all the Deputys of that side of the River be present at laying out of the Road.
L : Armstrong

     At a Council held by Order of the Honble Lieut Govr Armstrong At the Secretarys Office In his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royl On Tuesday the 23d Septr 1735 at 3 o' the Clock P. M.

John Adams Esq
Will : Skene Esq
Will : Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : Ja.s Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq

     The Secretary aquainted the Board that he had Conformable to His Honour the Lieut Govr of the Province's Order prepared & drawn out a Scrol of a Grant in favr of John Hart Esqr for Hault 1 Island in the Bay of ffundy & that Peninsula lying to Eastward thereof in ye said Bay, which he was desired to lay before them for their Consent to & approbation of the same.
In relate to ye Patent Granted to Mr Hart.

     Upon the Secretarys communicating thus his orders from His Honour the Lieut Govr of the Province to ye board, Major

1 Isle Haute. In Jeffreys map of 1755, Holt lsland; off Cape Chignecto.
Governor Cosby Desires to speak to the Council.


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