Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  324  Nova Scotia Archives.

     At a Council held by order of the Honble Lieut Govr Armstrong At the Secretarys Office In his majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royl on Monday the 12th May 1735

John Adams Esq
Will : Skene Esq
Will : Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : Ja.s Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Dispute betwixt Mary Martin & Joseph Richard.

     The Secretary aquainted the Board that his Honr, upon the petition of Pierre Corporon & Mary Martin his Wife Agt Joseph Richard her son in Law for Insulting her & her present husband the said Corporon in relation to the building a Barn and stopping the Kings high way &c as per their petition upon file, Had ordered them to meet in order to Consider the difference between the partys that the same might be adjusted

     Whereupon the partys were Called, the above petition & the said Joseph Richard & his partners Answr thereunto being read, & the Witnessess Examined, the Board upon the Consideration of the whole agreed & were of Opinion,

     As it was represented by Mary Martin that her witnesses refused to Appear that the Case should be deferrd 'till another day, & that the Secretary should send them a Summons to Appear at Such a time as his Honr the Lieut Govr of the Province shall be pleased to Appoint
Complaint agst René Martin.

     The Secretary also represented to the Board, that his Honr the Lieut Govr of the Province had desired him to signify to them that he had receivd a Verbal Complaint from Anthoine Bruine one of the Deputys of this River Agt René Martin of said Place for Opposing the Deputy's & other the Inhabitants, in Carrying on & perfecting the Highway conformable to the Govrs Orders of the 29th October last, which disobedience & disrespect he desires may be seriously Considered and that he the said Martin may be Oblidged to find Immediate Bail for


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