Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 323

     At a Comittee of Council held at Menis In his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia the first day of May 1735

     His Honour & the above Members being present [416]


     His Honour aquainted the Board that the Deputys had presented him with an Inventory of Petit Jacques Ie Blanc's Effects, as also their Answer in relation to Choosing of Constables, & that Alexr Bourg of Menis had presented him with a list of Contracts, all which being read as upon file, His Honour, as the Inhabitants by their Answr having refused the Choosing of Constables, desired the Gentlemen to Consider of what other methods should be taken thereon, who judging this Employ a new Office amongst them with which they were as yet as little aquainted, as they were at first with that of Choosing Deputys; were of Opinion that His Honour should speak to them in a mild friendly manner, particularly to the most judicious of them & signify that the Goverment had no other Veiws by Appointing such Officers than their own wellfare, it being the most Speedy way of deciding their frequent & Vexatious differences, And if they did not think proper at this time to Comply, to leave it to their furlher Consideration as it was of no other Consequence to the Goverment than to promote their own Ease
L : Armstrong

Inventory of Petit Jacque le Blanc's Effect presented to the Board &c. the Depty. Answer in relat.n to Constables &c.

Menis May the 9th 1735


     His Honr & the Gentlemen of the Committee being mett, The Deputy's of Menis waited upon his Honr & presented him their Report upon the Dispute between René Blanchard plantiff & Anthoine Celestine & Claud Babin deffts Conformable to the orders given them as pr a Minute of Council of the 26th ApI last, & also a Copy of the agreement between the plantiff & ye two Deffts which his Honr Committed to the Care of the Secretary to be kept upon file
L : Armstrong [417]

the Deputys Report upon the Dispute been Blanchard & Celestine &ca.


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