Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  322  Nova Scotia Archives.

to the Contrary at their peril, and they the said new Deputy's are also ordered to go Immediately & take an Account both of the moveable & Immoveable . Estate of the said Petit Jacques Ie Blanc & to take care that none of his Effects be Embezled


     The Deputys Complaining of the Hardships & difficultys they mett with amongst the Inhabitants in the Execution of their Office and their said Complaint being considered, & that they being all of the Romish persuasion & Consequently unqulified to bear any Civil Office by Commission in the Goverment It [415] It was notwithstanding Judged proper that the present Deputys should Choose six of the Inhabitants in order that two of them may be nominated Constables on Thursday next, to assist the Deputys to put the orders of the Goverment in Execution, & that being thus unqualified they should only Act as Constables in their own privite affairs as the Case may require amongst themselves for the more speedy administration of Justice there being no protestants in these parts

     Ordered that a copy of this minute be given to the Deputy's of Menis to be Communicated to the people for an Answer
Order for the Chusing Constables.

     Ordered also that two Men be Nominated & Chosen by the Deputys of Piziguet & Cobaquit for their Assistance in putting the orders of the Govrmt in Execution, & in other Cases to act only as aforesaid

     Then His Honour aquainted the Gentlemen of the Committee, that he beleived it would be Necessary, as he had published several orders here at Menis, to send Dublicates thereof to the Inhabts of Piziguet, Cobaquit & Chignecto, particularly of that in relation to the Exportation of Cattle; & that having wrote a letter on that Subject, & the bringing in of their Grants, to the Deputy's of Piziguet & another much of the same tenour to Monsr Maufils to advice the people to a Complyance The same were read & Approved of, And the Secretary ordered to prepare Duplicates accordingly
L : Armstrong


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