Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  316  Nova Scotia Archives.
Books & papers.

     The Board having Considered the said Papers, they Approved of the Proclamation the Same being Amended in Council; And were of Opinion that His Honr may Renew the peace with the Indians if he finds tham Inclinable so to do; And that the Oaths should be tendered to all Such Inhabitants as have not already taken them. As to the Books & papers, the Board were doubtfull Whither it were Customary in any other Province to remove any Such things which So much Concerhs ye publick out of the Secretarys Office, But upon Debate, It was agreed, that as his Honr was bound to Menis & not out of the Province, he might carry all Such papers & Books &ca as were absolutely necessary for his Majestys Service in these parts. And then Adjourned till 3 o Clock P. M. Being [408]


     Being Met According to Adjournment the Same Members being present

     The Difference between Peter Blanchard & James Oneal being Considered & the partys being Called. The Petition of Said Blanchard was read, To which, the Said Oneal made Answer, That from the treatment he had mett with from Mis Blanchard & her husband, he had Said some things to Mrs Blanchard that were not very agreeable to be repeated, but that otherwise he did not Threaten or Insult her nor So much as Entered into Blanchards House As Mr Blanchard Setts forth & affirming that Mr Blanchard could not produce the proofs he So much Insists upon, Mr Blanchard being Examined, he said that his Wife told him So, as Did also Mr Laffoney's Son before two of the Deputies; but neither Laffoney's Son or any of the Said Deputies being present. Thursday next was Appointed to Blanchard to bring his Witnesses & ordered to Appear At 11 o' the Clock A: M:

     Then was Read the Sd Oneal's petition Agt Said Blanchard, & his Accot for Cureing of Blanchards Wife of a Cancerous UIcer in her leg, Amounting to (19. .15. .6 Whereupon Mr Blanchard being Examined, he Said he did not owe

1 Line run through "called & "


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