Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 315

     Whereupon his Honr the Lt Govr of the Province finding that there were none to represent the Sd Giroards, thought proper to Adjourne the Board till Saturday next the 22d Inst And then Ordered Mr Secretary to Summons the partys to Appear that day with all their papers & Such other witnesses as knew anything of the Affair in dispute with Reneé Gotrot Lt Govr Cosby & the Said Giroards And Also Ordered that Mr Secretary Should minute down that James & Francis Giroards should Each of them pay a pistole to the Constable for their Contempt in not Appearing
L : Armstrong

     At a Council held by Order of the Honble Lt Govr Armstrong At the Secretarys Office in his Majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royall on tuesday the first April 1735

The Hon:ble the Lt. Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
Wm Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq


     The Secretary Aquainted the Board that he was ordered the Governor by the Lt Govr of ye Province (who Intends to go up the Bay of ffundy) to Summons them togither, & to lay before them [407] them for their Consideration Severall papers, Vizt Scroll proclamation Prohibiting the Exportation of Cattle out of the Province, Copy of the peace Concluded with the Indians In order to be again renewed & Ratified, Copies of the Oaths taken by the french & desires to know whither the Same should not be tendred to the people up the Bay from the Age of 16 to 60. As also a Petition from Peter Blanchard Rlanchard Against James Oneal, & the Said Oneals Accot Agt Said Blanchard; And that he thereon desires their Opinion & Whether the advice, as Also on his Ordering the Secretary to carry with him up the Bay the Council Book & Book of Orders, and Such other papers as relates to the Affairs of Menis, Pizequid, Cobaquid & Chignecto

the Governor Adviseth of his going up the Bay.

Proclamat.n prohibiting the Exportation of Cattle.
Copy of the peace with the Indians.
Copy of oaths.

Blanchard & Oneal.

Whether the Council book &c may not be Carried out of this place.


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