Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  314  Nova Scotia Archives.

     At a Council held by Order of the Honble Govr Armstrong at his own house within his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Saturday 15th ffebruary 1734/5 at 10 oClock A. M. Present [405] 1

The Hon:ble the Lt. Governor of the Province
Wm Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Governor Cosbys Petition for a patent for Widow Le Bats Land.

     The Board being Sat, there was laid before them for their consideration a Memoriall of Majr Alexr Cosbys Lt Govr of the Garrison of Annapolis Royall praying a patent for Some land now in his possession, having purchased part of the Same of Renneé Gotrot widow to the Deceased, John Le Bat.

     The Said Reneé Gotrots deed of Sale to Govr Cosby for the same Land. An Agreement between Reneé Gotrot of the one part & James Giroard & ffrancis Giroard on the other part for the Said Lands. The Sr de Bell Isle's Grant for the Said lands to the Said John Ie Bat. Also the Said Sr de Bellisle's Widow's Contract to the Said Le Bat An Examination taken by Chas Tallard of the said Reneé Gotrot before two of the Deputies by order of the Honble Govr Armstrong
Geroards the Defend.ts


     All which being read, Govr Cosby with Pierre Lanow & Wm Burgeois for James & francis Giroard's Appeared before the Board, And having heard what they had to Say further on Said papers, it was found that Said Burgeois had no Authority to Act or Say any thing in behalf of the Giroards, And therefore Lanow who was Summon'd by Lt Govr Cosby, being Ask'd whether he had any knowledge of the Giroard's having performed that [406] that part of the Contract by building the house therein mentioned, he Answered, that they had not, because they had not finished the Same

Two pages blank, fastened together with wax.


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