Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 313

Secry also laid before them for their Consideration a Minute of Council of the 23d December 1732, & another of the 7th January 1734/5, And then recommended to them the necessity of Settling the price of Wood

     The above Message from His Honr the Lieut Govr being Considered & debated, The Board Unanimously Agreed & were of Opinion, that Six Shill & Eight pence pr Chord was a reasonable Encouragement for the french Inhabts to Supply the Garrison & Others with wood, & that under that price the Garrison & others may run the Risque of being disapointed

the Boards Opinion.


     Then Peter Grange & ffrancois Doucett being called, who had in order to Enhance ye price of Wood, Spread a Report that Major [404] Major Henry Cope had Offered five Livrs per Chord, they declared that they had heard Such a report but did not know the authors: Which being Considered it was agreed that for their Spreading a false Report Each of them should be fined five Shill to be paid to ye Constable

Peter Grange & ffrancis Doucett fined for false Reports.

     Then was laid before the Board Henry James's Petition agt Joseph Commeaux for not holding his agreement in relation to wood last year
Henry James Contra Joseph Commeaux.

     Which being Considered, the partys called & Examined, the Defendant Acknowledged that he he had Sold to Henry James Eight Chord of Wood at 5s 10d per Chord; And that as he could not for want of Snow get it out of the woods last Winter, that he came Some days ago And Acquainted him that his wood was Ready according to Agreement, & telling him at the Same time he had cut more wood, & if he would take the whole he Should have it at 6s 8d per Chord but if that was not Agreeable to him his Eight Chords were ready According to Agreement

     The Plaintiff having no Witnesses to Support his Allegations, it is the Opinion of the Board that Henry James should have his wood According to Agreement, & that therefore the Deffendant should pay the Constable & the Plaintiff the other Cost of the Suit
L : Armstrong


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