Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  312  Nova Scotia Archives.

this province for Some Lands as therein Specified upon ffile And His Honrs Letter to the Rt Honble The Lords Commissrs in answer to the whole. All which being read & Considered, The Board Judged & Allowed the Govrs Letter to be a very proper Answer to all that was laid before them And are of Opinion that His Honr Should order a Grant in favr of John Hart Esqr Conformable to thee minute of his Majts most Honourable Privy Council, As Soon as the Season of the year will permit the Land to be Surveyed
L : Armstrong

     At a Comittee of Council held by Order of the Honble Govr Armstrong, At the Secretarys Office In his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall On Monday the 3rd ffebruary 1734/5, at 3 o' the Clock P. M.

The Hon:ble the Lt. Governor of the Province
Wm Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
The price of Cordwood again Recommended to the Consideration of the Board.


     The Secretary Aquainted the Board that His Honr being again Informed of the great Abuses & Exorbitant prices demanded by the ffrench Inhabitants for fire wood, by which they Seemed to have no other views at this time than to distress his Majestys Garrison, Every Officer & the English Inhabitants in the place, And that as his Majesty hath an undoubted right to the woods & they only to the Herbage & Vesturage of the Lands And Entitled only to the benefit of Such Woods as they may have immediate Occasion for their own proper use & buildings, He therefore desired, That as they the Inhabitants had Obstinately through Contempt refused taking Patents for their said lands in his Majestys Name; His Honr therefore Desired the Gentlemen of the Board Seriously to Consider their Insolence, & the present Circumstances of his Majestys Garrison which could not possibly Subsist without wood; And for that purpose the


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