Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  300  Nova Scotia Archives.

     At a Council held at the Honourable Lieut Govr rmstrongs house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royal on Tuesday the 6th day of Augst at 10 o' the Clock A M

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
William Skeen Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Complaint Mary Davis against Jean Picot


     His Honour Acquainted the Board that he had recd a Petition from Mary Davis praying Justice of Jean Picot the Wife of Lewis Thebauld for Scandalously Reporting and Accusing her of the Murder of Two Children Whereupon the partys being Called the petition Read, and the Witnesses Examined, it was found a vile Malicious Groundless and Scandalous Report and therefore Agreed That Jean Picot the Wife of Said Thebauld Should be Duck'd and that She and Cecil Thompson called by her the Said Picot as a Witness Should [388] Should be both bound Over to the Peace as the Authors and Spreaders of Said Malicious Scandle and then

     Ordered that Jean Picot Should be Duck'd on Saturday Next the 10th Instant at High Water

     Ordered Also that Mr Secry Deliver up to Wm Haw His Bail Bond

     Then at the Request of the Said Mary Davis praying that the Aforesaid Sentence of Ducking may be Reversed And yt She the Said Picot might only be Obliged to ask her pardon on Sunday the 11th Instant at the Mass house Door Which being Consider'd it was Agreed and accordingly Order'd that She the Said Jean Picot Should publickly, beg her the Said Mary Davis's pardon at ye Mass house Door on Sunday the 11th Instant
L : Armstrong

     At a Council held by Order of the Honoura ble Lawrence Armstrong Lt Governor of the Province at the Secretarys


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