Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 299

and the Other Effects left in his possession, not Mentioned in his said Accot And then adjourned till 3 o' the Clock P. M.

     Munday the 22d July 1734 Mett at the Same Place According to Adjournmt he same Members being present

     William Skeen Esqe laid the Inventory Again before the Board And Reported the things he thereof found wantjng in the presence of WiIlm Shirreff, Henry Cope, and Erasmus James Philipps Esqres for their further Consideration

     Which being Examined And Greens Accot Re Stated, there appeared, after giving him Credite for all his Necessary Expences and Charges in mentaining himself and Boy as per his Accot And also for the sum of £ 44" 6/ paid on Accot of Lieut Edwards A Ballance of £15 " 8 " 4 in Lieut Edward's favour besides these things Reported by William Skeen Esqe to be Wanting Which the said Green said Were party Expended by himself and the Boy

     Then the Question was put What sum Lieut Edwards should Allow William Green upon Delivering up his Indenture


     After some Debate thereon, It was agreed That Notwithstanding the said William Green had Idled Away his time And not Acted somuch for his Masters Interest and proffite as he might have done, That as Lieut Edwards had left him with such a Discretionary Trust and power and did not seem to Call him to Accot for any other thing than for the Effects in his possession, That there should be allowed him the said William Green £ 20 New England, Money According to his [387] His Indenture, Conformable to the Explanation of the Agreement upon Oath Transmitted from Cork as aforesaid And that therefore Upon his Delivering up the Effects in his Possession to William Skeen Esqe That the said Ballance of his Accot Should be made up to him £ 20 New England Money his Indenture Delivered and so Discharged
L : Armstrong


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