Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 297

state of Canso, And that if it should fall into the hands of the french, That this place would be thereby much in Danger And the Trade Destroyed to the Great Disadvantage of the British Subjects. Which a Representation to His Majesty Setting forth the Importance and value of Canso may perhaps happily prevent

     The Comity are of Opinion That Capt Aldridge Would in Complyance to the Said Paragraph send a more particular Account of the State of Canso and of the Behaviour of the french at Cape Breton than we here at such a Distance are Capable of And then Agreed

     That Mr Secretaryshould prepare a Scrole of Such a Representation of the State of the Province as is Required by the said Paragraph, As also of the Address to be laid, before the Comity on Tewsday the 9th Inst at 10 o' the Clock A. M. for their Consideration
the Secretary Directed to draw up said Representation & Address

     Tewsday the 9th July 1734 at 10 'o the Clock the Same Members being present


     The Secretary Acquainted the Board that he Was Directed by His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province to lay before before them a Letter from his Excellency Jonathn Belcher the Governor of New England Relating to the State of this Province for their per usall Which being Read He also laid before them The Scrole Representation And Address Which on Saturday last he was Directed to Draw up and prepare for their perusal, Which being also Read the Board proceeded to Consider the same And With some Amendments they being Approved of The Secretarywas Desired to lay them before His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province for his farther per usal of which he also approved and Directed to have them fairly Copyed
L : Armstrong [385]

Scroll of said Representation & Address laid before ye Board

At a Council held by Order of His Honour Lawrence Armstrong Esqr The Lt Governor of the Province At his Own


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