Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 295

     His Honour the Lt Governor of the Province and the Same Members Present


     The Board being sett Major Paul Mascarene who was Appointed in the Room of Mr Shirreff Who could not Attend the Comity, Appointed the 4th Day of March last, for Examining the Rent Gatherers Accots of the Seigniorial Rents, Laid before the Board the Comitys Report thereof, Which being Read And Orderd to be keept upon file, It was Agreed that According to the Examination taken of Mrs Belisles Case conformable to the Minute of Council the 9th of January last, His Honr the Lt Governor of the Province Might give An Order to the [382] The Inhabitants of Beaupré Renny fforest and James Girroir to pay to her said Mrs Belisle the Whole of their Rents they Appearing, without Any Contradiction as Yet to be farm Rents and Not what they Call Seigniorial Rents And to Continue to pay her the same till his Majestys pleasure be thereon Known

the Comitys Report of the Seignll Rents laid before the Board

the Inhabitns of Beaupree Reny forest and James Girroir Orderd to pay Mrs Belisle their whole Rents

     Then his Honour laid before the Board a Memol from the Officers of the Garrison Praying That the Small Incloser Adjoyning to the Governors Garden and ye White House ffeild And lying Opposite to the ffort Gate known by ye Name of the Bowling Green, Should be Reserved and sett apart for ever for them and their successors and all Other Gentlemen who may please to Contribute to the Expence of making the said Encloser a Bowling Green And Reparing and ffencing the same; Which being Read and Considered, Agreed that the said Incloser be Reserved And Sett apart for a Bowling Green and place of Recreation for the Gentlemen and their successors And Other Gentlemen who may thereunto Contribute for ever
the Bowling Green Reserved for the Gentlemen of the Garrison


     There was also Read a Memol from John Adams Esqr a Member of this Board Praying Leave of Absence for Twelve months to go to Britain for some Relief in Consideration of his services; And Also that his Honr and the Members of this Board Would please Give him a Certificate of his Conduct; Agreed that the Prayer of his Petition should be Granted
L : Armstrong [383]

Memol f John Adams Esqr raying leave of Absence Granted


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