At a Council held at his Excell:y house his Majesty Garrison of Annapolis Royall upon Wednesday. the 19th April 1721 [42]
Present. his Excellency Richard Philipps Esq Governor The Hon.ble John Doucet Esq Lt. Governor Major Paul Mascarene Mr. Secretary Savage | John Adams Esq Hibbert Newton Esq William Skene Esq William Shirreff Esq |
motion made of Establish- ing a Court of Judicature
His Excellency acquainted the Board that he had called them together to consider of Establishing a Court of Judicature to be held for this Province: that one Article of his Instructions is to make the lawes of Virginia a rule or pattern for this Goverment where they can be applicable to the present circumstances. That by the lawes of Virginia the Governor and Council were the supreme Court of J udicature: called by the name of the General Court. which was fully advised on.
Voted. That it would be for his Majestys service, as well as very much for the satisfaction of the Inhabitants of this Province (under the present circumstances of affaires) That such a Court be held here by the Governor and Council as often as it shall be thought necessary.
Order'd That some minutes relateing to such a Court be drawne up by the Secretary in Order to be lay'd before the Board at Ten [43] at Ten a Clock to morrow morning to which time the Board is adjourn'd.
On Thusday 20th of April 1721. Mett at the same time and place according to adjournment The same persons present and Wm Shirreff Esq
The Secretary according to yesterday Order of Council, deliver'd in some minutes, for his Excellency and Council's approbation — which were read and appro·ed of and is as follows viz:t
Whereas under the present difficult circumstances of Affaires of this Province, no regular Court of Judicature