Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  276  Nova Scotia Archives.

being a part of the Ground formerly in dispute between Mr Wiliam Winniet and Mr Joseph Jennings which was upon the first of august 1732 Confirmed by the Board to the said Mr Jennings, and Mr Ross being Called in & having produced a legall power of Attorney to dispose of all lands & tenements belonging to the Said Mr Joseph Jennings Whereupon, the Board, finding his Request just and Reasonable they Agreed Nemine Contradicente thereto and ordered the Secretary to prepare a Patent for the Same in favour of the Said Mr John Dyson


     A Dispute having happen'd at the Board Upon Reading a paper noways directed to Either the Governor or Council; Ordered that the members of this Board upon Every discourse of Bussiness at the Board Do Speak and direct their Speech to the Governor, if present, or to the president or Chairman in his absence; and that he avoid all undecency at the Board, the Members thereof are [351] are not to find fault with, Reproach and Reprimand one another for their Discourses Arguments and opinions, Delivered upon the Subject of any Bussiness before the Board, but address himself to the Governor, or Chairman in his absence, that the Whole Board, upon the question putt, may judge and Give their opinion impartially of the Controversy, and Decide the Matter in hand without heat or passion
L : Armstrong

     Att a Committee of Council held by order of the Honourable Lieut Governor Armstrong at Major Cope's House in the Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Wednesday the 27th of March 1733

William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq

     The Secretary Acquainted the Gentlemen of the Committee that he was directed by his Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province to Communicate and lay before them Several


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