Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 27

Wednesday. 12th April 1721. Mett at the same place, the same persons present

A report of the Committee Was lay'd before the Board. read and debated on, then presented to his Excellency for his approbation. which amended and then approued of.
     Order'd to be ingross'd.

At a Council held at his Excellency house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Thusdaythe 13th April 1721.:

Present. his Excellency Richard Philipps Esq Governor
The Hon.ble John Doucet Esq Lt. Governor
Major Paul Mascarene
Mr. Secretary Savage
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq


[ 41]      The three Deputys of Minas (who were very desireous to see and speake with his Excellency being sent for in, was askt by him, whither they had anything extraordinary to offer; they made answer that their business was only to pay their Complements to his Excellenoy. Then they were examined and afterwards reprimanded by his Excell:y on many heads, relateing to the plunder of Alden and Cansoe &c.

A.r Savage Secr

     Then a power from his Excellency to the Inhabitants of Minas to chuse twelue Deputys (instead of four) was deliur'd them then they were dismist.

     The Deputy of Cobequid haueing likewise represented the want of three Deputys more to be added to him. it was approued off, and a power from his Excellency to the Inhabitants of Cobequid to chuse three more Deputys to be added to this present, was drawne up in Council and approued of Orderd. That it be translated into french, ingross'd and deliverd to S.d Deputy by the Secretary.
A power given to the Deputy of Cobequid >br? To chuse 3 more Deputies 186


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