Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 253


     Then was Read a Petition from the Traders, Complaining of some Interlopers, that traded in the Province, and imported Clandestinly Enumerated1 Goods, without Ever Entering or Clearing at any Custom House, and praying Redress, such practices being to the Detriment of the fair Traders [315]

The traders petition Complaining of Interlopers

     Agreed that their Names and places of abode be Enquired after, and that Information thereof be sent to the Governor and Collector of these parts

     Then His Honour acquainted the Board, that he had Received Additional Instructions of the 10th of December 1731, forbiding laying any Duty on Negroes or ffelons from Great Britain, imported into this province, and ordered the Same to be Read
L : Armstrong

Att a Council held by order of the Honble Lieut Govr Armstrong, at his ow

House in the Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Munday the 11th Septemr 1732

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
Major Paul Mascarene
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq


     His Honour acquainted the Board, that he had Caused three orders, Agreed to by the advice of the Council to be published vist One in Relation to the Magazine intended to be Built at the Grand Pré of Menis, One in Relation to Wood Sold by the Cord, and Incroachments made on the Kings High way, and the third for the Inhabitants of this River to Chuse New Deputys Upon the Complaint of these Now in Office, as also in Relation to the ffrench half Hushell And that for Answer thereunto the Inhabitants had made [316] made an Answer, which he laid before the Board, for them to Consider, Whether it was a Complyance to his Said orders,

1. See Fisher, True History of the American Revolution, Ch. II

Order in Relation to the Magazine at Menis, one in Relation to Wook and incroachments on the Kings high way & a third Chusing New Deputies approved of in Council


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